Wednesday 22 April 2009

As Media Project - Evasion

As Media Studies

This blog is a way to report everything that went on in the leading up to the pre production, filming and editing to create our filming task. This task had to be a 2 minute piece of film that represented the opening credits to a whole film.

To begin we had to discuss and decide on a genre of film we wanted to portray in our 2 minute film. After a long debate on the pros and cons of each genre we then came to the majority decision of horror/ thriller genre. We chose this genre because we all enjoy watching horror/ thriller films so therefore we would have the background knowledge on those types of films and what editing and filming techniques to give the audience a sense of suspense and keep them on the edge of their seats. The thriller genre we believe would be challenging however we believed we had the skills and determination to make it work to a high standard.

Once we had figured out which genre we were portray through out our 2 minute clip we then had to come up with a general plot to the story and then translate that plot into a storyboard. This storyboard allowed use to put down our idea of the story. Each shot was explained in detail what would be in that shot. Things we would consider and note down on our storyboard would be things such as:


editing techniques

what characters would be included in the scene

camera angles and shots


props we might need

the location and timings e.g. the time of day

This technique was very useful on planning a head what we might need for the shoot. These were some of the thing we planned before the shoot:

- The risk assessment, this was to make sure no one in the making of filming of the production got hurt. It also prevented equipment from getting damaged. This was a very important part because it prevent and one or anything from getting into danger or hurting themselves of damaging expensive or personal equipment.

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